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PERFECT is specializing in manufacturing Surface Grinding Machine since 1988 in Taiwan . Our product lines range from table size 150X450 to 1600X6000mm , covering conventional types of saddle, column, cantilever , double column type, and CNC type, which have been widely acclaimed and accepted by users in domestic and abroad.
We devote ourselves to high quality manufacturing of machines to win customer's trust rather than price bargain fighting in current market.
Our long time use customers dominate most main continents market of the world to meet their strict requirements in quality.
PERFECT Surface Grinders Help Customers Stay Ahead

Design and manufacturing of precision surface grinders
For over 20 years, PERFET has been dedicated to design and manufacturing of precision surface grinders. Through years of hard cultivation, PERFECT company’s size and business have steadily grown.

Quality / Innovation / Service
Under the company’s policy of “Quality. Innovation. Service.”, PERFECT constantly enhances R&D and presents new models to meet market demands. Meanwhile, we are committed to producing the most dependable and valuable machines to serve our customers worldwide.